Create a Parallel Plan

How to create a parallel plan

parallel plan is an additional academic and career plan to follow in your first year. You may be surprised to learn that many majors have similar prerequisite coursework. We have a downloadable parallel planning worksheet that you can use to guide you through the process. Use the links below as resources. Bring this to your next meeting to discuss with your student success advisor or career consultant.

If you'd like to make a parallel plan but aren't sure about your options, schedule an appointment with a career consultant by calling (317) 274-4856.

Reasons to have a parallel plan

  • Since the most common health and life science majors are application based and highly competitive, you will need an additional plan (preferably nonapplication based) to pursue if you are not admitted into your original program of choice.
  • It is very common for students to change their majors in the first year because they discover a path that is more in line with their values, interests, personality, and skills.
  • While exploring in the first year, many students discover career paths in the health and life sciences that they never knew existed and decide to change course.
  • By planning coursework for both your major and parallel plan together, you can save time and money should you decide to change your major later on.